| Roding, Germany
According to IATA’s forecast, passenger numbers will nearly double within the next 20 years. This increasing travel activity has intensified the need for secure and swift identification of travelers. How can we provide a secure and convenient approach to accompany the passenger from check-in to arrival and beyond?
| Roding, Germany
Aerosol Can Makers Are Ready for an End-of-Line Inspection
| Newport News, VA, USA
Mühlbauer Celebrates Grand Opening of Smart Factory Competence Center in Newport News, VA
| Roding, Germany
Auszubildender der MPS Roding wurde von der IHK geehrt
| Roding, Germany
Auszubildende der Mühlbauer Group haben ihre Facharbeiterbriefe erhalten
| Roding, Germany
14. Mühlbauer Spendenlauf findet am 16.06.2018 statt – das Team der Josef Mühlbauer Stiftung berichtet von seiner Arbeit
| Roding, Germany
Mühlbauer Gruppe veranstaltet „Tag der Ausbildung“, City Fit Roding öffnet seine Türen
| Rome, Italy
German High-Tech Company Mühlbauer Partners with Italian Consortium
| Roding, Germany
33 Azubis der Mühlbauer Group feierten im Dream Diner in Roding ihren Abschluss
| Roding, Germany
In the beginning of 2018, Mühlbauer – as part of a consortium of high-tech companies and scientific institutions – started research and development to make flights in general – and the process of passenger identification in particular – more convenient and comfortable.