
welcome from the young bloods and the coaches of Muehlbauer Malaysia in Melaka.


In order to meet the rising demand for highly-skilled workers in Malaysia, the German Dual Vocational Training (GDVT) has been successfully implemented since 2014. It's characterized by alternating phases of theoretical and practical phases, it is a joint endeavor of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC), the Department of Skills Development of the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR), the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI), Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) and participating companies.

A new approach with roots in Germany.

The Dual Vocational Training looks back upon a long success story in Germany where it constitutes one of the cornerstones of the country’s education system. Inspired by this worldwide recognized and proven model, the Dual Vocational Training in Malaysia is based on German training standards, but has been tailored to the requirements and characteristics within the country of Malaysia.

Up to now, there are four (4) different training programs offered in Malaysia: Industrial Management, Logistics Operation Management, Mechatronics Engineering and Electronics for Automation Technology.

A system combination - Theory and Practical elements.

GDVT in Malaysia is designed to provide another platform for school leavers to gain knowledge theoretically and practically in the institution (GMI) and company. Theories learnt put into action to practice in workplace. Hence, combination of theory and practical knowledge will equip an individual with skills and competencies within an international business environment.

MB Motto - “Think different, act different, be different”

In accordance with the company’s motto “Think different, act different, be different”, since September 2016, our company is one of the pioneers to launch the DVT in Mechatronics Engineering in Muehlbauer Malaysia, Melaka.Up to now, we are currently having four (4) intakes of DVT apprentices with us.

Beyond the classroom: Gain theoretical or practical experience.

Why decide, if you can have it all at once!

The DVT develops highly qualified professionals. It offers both, the possibility to acquire practical competences and hands-on experience as well as a comprehensive theoretical background throughout the 3.5 years program.

It is the perfect basis for starting your career! Interested in becoming one of the Muehlbauer Malaysia's apprentices for this Program? Let's join us and become part of the team.



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