| Barcelona, Spain

Advanced RFID Bonding Production in Europe

By the Hands of Trace-ID and Mühlbauer


Our partner Trace-ID, the leading provider of RFID technology and solutions in Spain with worldwide operations, and one of the most valued in Europe, has trebled their capacity of high-speed bonding RFID thanks to the Mühlbauer DDA 40 000.

A year ago, Trace-ID added the DDA 40 000 to their manufacturing machinery to increase the production capacity of their factory that currently works three shifts from Monday to Friday. This goal has been overachieved since the implementation of the DDA 40 000 and Trace-ID is now able to take over the production volume of RFID dry inlays that meet the latest market demands.

In addition to this, the DDA 40 000 fulfil the required performance as promised prior to the implementation, hence making Mühlbauer a trusted partner for them. Trace-ID not only invested in a new machine, they also set course for the future success with Mühlbauer's highly efficient solution.


The Advantages of Owning the State-of-the-Art DDA 40 000

Forecast predicts annual market growth by 20% therefore, growth adaptability is crucial. Since the implementation of the DDA 40 000, Trace-ID has now the capacity for any production volume and is flexible for the bonding production upgrade of the next stage.

Trace-ID is also highly satisfied with the after-sale and service products provided by Mühlbauer. We support any issue and upgrades instantly at any time thanks to our broad network of service engineers around the globe.

All this culminates in the best partnership to move forward together improving the RFID solutions in the very dynamic smart label industry.

Click the link below to see the DDA 40 000 in action.

Original press release from Trace-ID here.


Press Contact:

Ahmad Naslan

Phone: +49 9461 952 – 1913

Email: ahmad.naslan@muehlbauer.de