
Best New National ID Card Solution 2023

El Salvador wins the award!

The "Best New National ID Card Solution 2023" Award goes to El Salvador!
Mühlbauer as implementation execution and operations partner can proudly announce that National Registry of Natural Persons of El Salvador won the award for the "Best National ID Card 2023" at the High Security Printing Conference in Latin America. A fantastic achievement of a future-oriented nation!
Fernando Velasco from RNPN presented the "Modernization and Scope of the El Salvador Unique Identity Document" at the exhibition. He gave the audience a comprehensive overview of the end-to-end ID solution implemented. From the document over the self-enrollment to digital ID, this project is a light tower reflecting advanced physical and digital possibilities of an ID solution. RNPN emphasized the current and future use-cases of the card and the benefits to the people of the Republic of El Salvador.
One identity for all purposes!
#digital #security #future #people #latinamerica


Check out this article for further information and pictures: 
