Our values ​​are the focus of everyday work
    Our employees are our most valuable asset
  • Together we can climb ever higher peaks,
    because only lifelong learning and constant development
    create the basis for innovation and success!
  • Top qualification
    on the most modern machines!


Get a taste of professional life in our company ...

You are about to decide which profession you would like to learn and are undecided whether the profession you have in mind is the right one? A student internship offers you a glimpse behind the scenes and you get an insight into the professional life of our company!

During your career orientation phase, an internship with the Mühlbauer Group will help you gain an insight into the professional world and you will see whether the fields of work shown correspond to your wishes and expectations. One or two weeks of internship will certainly help you make the right decision for your future. You also have the opportunity to get an insight into one of our departments during your vacations.

No matter if you are techie or more inclined to business affairs, you will learn more about the interesting tasks of an international company which could become your apprenticing company.

Send us your curriculum vitae together with a short cover letter informing us when you wish to do an internship / vacation job and in which fields of the Mühlbauer Group you are the most interested.

Or do you already know the profession you want to learn?
This information is important and helps us to assign you to the corresponding departments.


We are looking forward to seeing you!


Phone: +49 9461 952 – 0

online application

