
Identity Week 2021

Recap London

Identity Week 2021 in London is now over. The Mühlbauer Group looks back on the last week with pride. Mühlbauer was able to provide a very special eye-catcher at the exhibition when they parked their show truck in the exhibition hall and demonstrated their expertise in fast and reliable document personalization on site. Some of the visitors to the exhibition received personalized sample passports or IDs that included a large number of security features to see the enormous potential of Mühlbauer's security requirements. They achieved all of this with technology that fits on a simple counter top and achieves state of the art results. Especially the AI-driven technology MB IMAGE ENHANCEMENT will be useful for mobile enrollments, which then helps closing the identity gap.

As the title sponsor of the exhibition, the Mühlbauer Group was given the opportunity to prepare an opening speech. Their highly qualified expert and Head of Sales TECURITY Western World Matthias Köhler gave the opening speech, spontaneously discarding the planned speech and expanding his contribution to include the future of identity, securing identity features and efficiency of current authentication options. Mühlbauer also addressed the importance of identity inclusion, for the 1 billion people in this world who still do not have a personal ID thus denied access to benefits, welfare and social rights.

Lutz Richter Mühlbauer's Head of Information Systems participated in plenary discussions with the topics ID and Travel and ID for Development. Here he focused on interoperability of technologies and solutions. He also gave a presentation on Digital Health Certificates and their possible use in the current situation and the resulting benefits.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Mühlbauer Group had an instructive stay in London and was able to establish a number of contacts. So also with Interpol and the UN. It is expected that demand for Seamless Travel opportunities, which are a combination of FastGates, i-Kiosks and Mobile ID, will continue to grow in the future and the company is ready to avail the global market with their market-leading technology. The Mühlbauer Group continues to look positively into the future and expects further successes and insights at the next exhibitions.