
Biometric Authentication

SECURITY Today & Tomorrow


In the September issue of The Vault #31, we provided insights into authentification methods and Mühlbauer's PAX TOKEN. You can read the full article at The Vault Magazine on Pages 4 - 8. 

To prevent scenes reminiscent of “Catch me, if you can”, secure authentication improves constantly and rapidly. Technological innovations are advancing by leaps and bounds, while at the same time counterfeiters adopt and advance their methods, to replicate identity and travel documents or individual security features.

To keep ahead of the game, government entities and the private sector constantly increase the security of authentication processes, in particular via two-factor authentication based on biometrics. In times of increasing interconnectivity, the rendering of online and offline services and information, the provision of reliable identification, as well as verification and authentication, is gaining increasing importance. One significant way to increase and maintain the security of the authentication processes is through two-factor authentication with biometrics.