| Roding, Germany

Mühlbauer on the Road in Western Europe

A Review on the Truck Tour 2018

6.483 kilometers, 21 days, 7 countries, 5 people and 1 show truck: In early November 2018, the newly-equipped Mühlbauer Hightech Truck started its big trip through Western Europe.

Renovation & Preparations

After a total inside and outside make-over, the show truck was endowed with completely new furniture and state-of-the-art Mühlbauer machines such as the ID60 Plus – a modular standalone system for the personalization of passports – and an MB FAST GATE – a fully-automated Border & Access Control System – and innovative technologies like MB ALFRESCO®, Mühlbauer’s latest color picture solution, which perfectly combines color picture personalization and laser engraving.

The Truck’s Route

Well-prepared for its long journey, the truck drove through a total of 7 countries and stopped at important stations, for example in Madrid, Paris, Gibraltar, Lisbon and Bern.

The truck started its journey at the Mühlbauer headquarters in Roding, Germany. The first destination was the Netherlands – more precisely Amsterdam’s international airport Schiphol: Document specialists and members of the “Nationale Politie” (the Netherlands’ civil police) and the “Koninklijke Marechaussee” (the Netherlands’ national gendarmerie force which performs military and civil police duties) visited the show truck to get informed about Mühlbauer’s state-of-the-art document technologies.

After a quick stopover in Brussels (Belgium), the truck reached Paris for some fruitful discussions with our customers and partners in the French capital.

Afterwards, the truck visited “Salesianos Atocha”, a polytechnical school in the city center of Madrid, Spain. As many graduates of this school are now currently employed at Mühlbauer, this unique opportunity was used to also promote Mühlbauer as a future employer for the students.



In Lisbon, the tour’s next stop, Mühlbauer was given the unique opportunity to take part in the 10th EDEWG (European Document Experts Working Group) Conference on “The Chain of Identity”. During an informative workshop on the grounds of the Judiciary Police School, our colleagues were able to introduce Mühlbauer’s innovative systems for the production and personalization of passports and ID cards to all participants.

The journey continued to a small country in southwestern Europe: In Gibraltar, a country for which Mühlbauer has already successfully implemented an ID card project (since 2014) and the personalization of Driver’s Licenses (since 2013), our colleagues met up several government executives.

On its return back to Germany, the truck stopped in Bern (Switzerland), where document specialists and members of the Swiss Federal Police could gain an insight into the measures that contribute to the forgery-proof of a document.

All in all, this year’s truck tour was a great success – both for our highly-esteemed customers and for our Mühlbauer colleagues.” The tour was even covered by the local media in each and every country.


Plans for 2019

“We are very satisfied with the results of this year’s truck tour”, explains Thomas Schirferneder, Sales Manager at Mühlbauer Hightech International. “For this reason, the planning for truck tours in 2019 is already in full swing. This time, the routes will lead to Eastern Europe.” Further information will follow in early 2019.


Press Contact:

Lara Schmaus

Phone: +49 9461 952 – 1579

Email: Lara.Schmaus@muehlbauer.de


Sales Contact:

Thomas Schirferneder

Phone: +49 9461 952 – 1150

Email: thomas.schirferneder@muehlbauer.de