Self-Enrollment Kiosk

The Mühlbauer self-enrollment / kiosk system MB KIOSK, allows for the pre-registration of travelers, based on travel document validation and the biometric identification as well as verification of the traveler. The PCD (Passenger Control Device) is able to support live biometric verification and travel document validation.

It is adaptive, teachable and can collect /store all data, the immigration authorities deem necessary, concerning the migration process, such as:

  • The travel document
  • The holder of the document
  • The actual process procedures
  • Feedback from background systems, for example national and international watchlists

The PCD improves the travelers experience at air- and seaports by reducing passenger queuing time and ensuring a faster as well as a stress free experience. After self-enrollment at the kiosk system, the traveler is free to proceed at their leisure to the MB FAST GATE system to complete the border control process.

Key Features

  • More efficient use of airport space and resources
  • Reduced queues allow passengers to spend more time in concessions, improving airport revenues
  • High speed multi biometric verification
  • Individual customer configuration
  • Intuitive user guidance for optimized traveler using
