| Roding, Germany

Border Management Made Simple

Mühlbauer's Steel Reader Mobile App

In recent years, advances in technology have hurtled us closer to the ideal of a seamless passenger journey. In order to provide travelers with the best experience possible, innovations in biometrics are becoming increasingly prevalent – particularly at airports.


In this context, the use of biometric travel documents has become common practice in civil aviation. However, biometric documents require appropriate reading devices to access the information and to reliably compare and verify the document and its holder. In order to allow for a mobile verification of eMRTD and other documents containing contactless chips (ISO 14443) within just a few seconds, Mühlbauer currently released the MB Steel Reader Mobile.

This new mobile application is now available for checking electronic travel documents and at the same time verifying travelers’ identities. Document examination includes both the verification of electronic security features and the verification of physical security features such as the visible image, the IR image and the UV image. Not only does it compare the travel document’s holder-page information (e.g. MRZ or photo) with the data stored in the chip, but optionally also the document data and corresponding record in a database.

It can be used anytime and anywhere inside an airport’s security area without disturbing the normal passenger flow. Another major advantage of MB Steel Reader Mobile is the fact that the application can be used on standard mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. High-priced reading equipment or stationary inspection counters that allow us to be processed by airport security are thus no longer needed. Furthermore, the app’s intuitive user interface is compliant with the current standard for mobile applications and guarantees a simple and secure identification of the card holder.


In this way, the sophisticated combination of both passengers’ biometrical data and state-of-the-art technology will ensure a pleasant and safe travel experience for all parties involved in the future.



Press Contact:

Lara Schmaus

Phone: +49 9461 952 – 1579

Email: Lara.Schmaus@muehlbauer.de