| Roding, Germany

Key Role of the Congolese National Register

Identification as important factor for development: a best practice of integration approach

| Roding, Germany


Mühlbauer delivers new systems for the live capturing of data to South Africa. A total of 950 units are distributed in all nine provinces of the state within 7 months.

| Roding, Germany

Mühlbauer Group launches Instant Issuance Solution with SCP-I for Banking Cards

Recent launch of new card personalization system SCP-I for the instant personalization and issuance of Banking Cards. Mühlbauer moreover provides the comprehensive instant issuance solution MB XenoFast.

| Roding, Germany

Smart Passenger Management

Connecting all the touch points along the passenger’s journey through the airport based on biometric identification improves security and efficiency and increases passenger satisfaction

| Roding, Germany

"Tag der Zukunft" und "Tag der offenen Tür" bei Mühlbauer - ein echter Erfolg

Faszinierte Augen über einem 3D-Drucker, freudiges Lachen bei gelöteten Herzchen und volle Münder beim Live-Cooking.

| Melaka, Malaysia

Mühlbauer Technology Days 2016

The first Mühlbauer event for the semiconductor industry in Malaysia.