Driver's License & Vehicle Registration Solution

Functioning extensive traffic controls are an important contribution to national security. An important prerequisite is the design and architecture of a solution for issuing and checking driver's licenses and registration certificates for vehicles subject to registration. We are taking into account the fact that driver's licenses are increasingly developing into identification documents, assuming their tasks and in parts fulfilling the purpose of identification documents.

Comprehensive Solutions for Control Authorities

We see ourselves as a technology partner with the goal of precisely understanding your requirements and developing a customized solution for you that supports your control authorities in their daily work. Based on our extensive expertise in the areas of identity management, document development, document verification, and vehicle import and export control, we implement your solution quickly and efficiently across the entire transportation network.

By using smart card and RFID technologies as well as identity management systems in our customized solutions, we increase efficiency in the identification and verification of people, vehicles and documents. This is a significant advantage, especially for comprehensive traffic controls.

During the entire course of the project, our specialists will support and advise you on all aspects of your solution:

Comprehensive technology portfolio

A key advantage is that we are the only solution provider in the world that can offer you the entire portfolio with all the latest technologies on the market. While other providers have to buy in and integrate individual components, our internally developed and manufactured hardware and software components are optimally matched to each other from the outset. You therefore gain speed and flexibility, as there can be no delays due to interface problems or lack of compatibility. Furthermore, since we are not limited to any technologies, we are more flexible in assessing the individual components of your solution.